10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Saturday, October 14, 2023
St. Augustine Cathedral
192 S. Stone Ave., Tucson, AZ 85701
Questions? Call Dave at (520) 539-5528
In preparing for this October event, you can do the Rosary religious activity and earn your Rosary patch. Here are the links for the Rosary activities and the ordering form:
https://www.nccs-bsa.org/store/product-category/patches/rosary-series-patches/ (order form)
Earn the Rosary Award by learning and praying the Rosary. You can get more details on the following links, under Rosary Series:
The following link will have more information on the Celebration, when available: https://dphx.org/event/2019-arizona-rosary-celebration/

The De Anza Trek 2023
October 20 to 23, 2023
If you are planning on being the coordinator, counselor, or facilitator for any Catholic religious emblems programs for boys or girls, you need to be trained. This training will give an overview of the emblems programs and activity patches available to all Catholic scouts and includes a breakout session to learn tips on how to get youth and parents involved and run the programs effectively.
Contact Cindy at ccscoutingtucsonaz@gmail.com for more information
Each year, the National Catholic Committee on Scouting® (NCCS®) conducts the "Scouting in the Catholic Church” training conference at Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, New Mexico.
Instructions for adults to be compliant with diocesan Safe Environment guidelines are outlined below.
These instructions pertain to individual volunteers for the Catholic Committee and all leaders and volunteers associated with Catholic-sponsored Scouting units, whether they are Catholic or not. Parents who are not registered leaders, but who may come in contact with youth who are not their own children, must also take the training. This is in addition to being current with BSA Youth Protection Training.
Contact your parish to complete this process.
There are several opportunities in training. See the sections below.
Religious Award Counselor training
High Adventure Training
Diocese Safe Environment Guidelines-- for Scouting Volunteers
The third Wednesday of the month. Meeting starts at 7 PM. CURRENTLY, the meetings will be held via Zoom AND in-person. if you are interested, email us for meeting information or any announcements to be made. Email cccscoutingtucsonaz@gmail.com to be added to meeting notices.
Bishops Scout Mass
This event for all scouts in the BSA program, Girl Scouts, and American Heritage Girls, in celebration with the Bishop. Addition, recognition is given to scouts who have earned their religious awards. Come celebrate with us. When the next event date is established in 2021, this will be posted.